Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Symptoms are Waning

Over the past few days I've felt less and less symptoms of pregnancy. Last week I had a little nausea, cramping, dislikes of certain food and extreme tiredness. Now I feel almost nothing. Occasionally my boobs will hurt or I'll feel like I need a nap but those symptoms aren't as in-your-face as the ones I had last week. I know I shouldn't worry but I am. Brandon says my body is probably just adapting to being pregnant now. But I'd rather have a whole day of cramping and sore boobs than a day filled with...nothing. This will be the longest two weeks of my life.


  1. One of the blogs I read had a good write up about this exact thing last week.

    Hope this helps!

    Thinking of you, this rollercaoster is tough!

  2. Infertility roller coaster is definitely hard. Keep believing!

  3. Hang in there! This roller coaster is not fun, but just keep believing.

  4. You're fine! Trust your body - as it adapts things change. New symptoms pop up, previous symptoms go away. It's such a shame that IF has made us so anxious. At 12 weeks I still can't fully enjoy being PG. I still keep thinking something is wrong, but every day I'm more and more able to feel the joy of this time. You will too! Good luck!!

  5. I agree. IF is a rollercoaster that is not much fun to ride. Keep the faith that everything is okay and this two weeks will go fast.

  6. I found your blog through Tracy's blog and was surprised to see a link to my blog... haha

    Hey.. take the days there are no huge symptoms, it doesn't mean baby isn't growing wonderfully.. it just means your body is handling it wonderfully.

  7. Oh... and our due dates are one day apart! Congratulations

  8. Most people on GOOGLE have said that the average weeks for morning sickness to begin is between 6 and 8 weeks. That being said... I'm also freaked out because I have NO symptoms this whole time! So that information hasn't done anything for my head. :-/
    I'm still sending you lots of healthy growing vibes from now until you give birth =)

  9. It could be your mind playing tricks on you too, try not to worry too much (yeah I know...) *hugs*
