Thursday, February 4, 2010

Show and Tell

I've always read Mel's Weekly Show and Tell but never participated because I never had anything to show off. Well now I do! Today I'm sharing the one and only picture I have of my embryos.

See the two dots close together in the middle of the picture? The dot on the right is the catheter and the dot on the left are my two embryos shooting out into my uterus (and hopefully snuggling in by now). The doctor at our clinic doesn't give the close-ups of our embryos unless we actually give birth from that cycle. I guess he's had experiences where some women have gotten too attached to the pictures in the event of a BFN or miscarriage. So this is the only picture I possess right now of my future children. Pretty neat, huh?


  1. It's beautiful!! Lots of sticky vibes!!

  2. Wishing you luck and stickiness!

  3. I guess stickiness is so the embryos stick so I'm wishing you mega stickiness !

  4. That is really cool! Technology really does amaze me sometimes. Really hoping one or both settle in for the long haul!

  5. Awesome! Hoping they stick like super glue!

  6. Oh it looks great! I am wishing you so much stickiness!

  7. Oh this is great, I don't have a shot like this one! I'm sending you lots and lots of sticky dust!!!

  8. That is really cool! I'm thinking sticky and snuggly thoughts for you and your embies!
