Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Blog Award!!

I know I'm just getting around to this but I'd like to thank Laura from Please let this be it for nominating me for the Beautiful Blogger award.

The instructions that go along with this award are as follows:
•Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
•Copy the award and place it in your blog
•Link the person who nominated you for this award.
•Tell us 7 interesting things about you
•Nominate 7 bloggers
•Post the links to the 7 bloggers you nominate.

Seven thing that I happen to find interesting about myself....hmmm, let's see

1. I'm left-handed. It runs in my family on my mom's side. My mom and aunt both have it. I think one of my grandparents would have been left-handed but they were taught to write with their right (wrong) hand. It's something I'm very proud of and I hope our kids turn out left-handed.
2. I was married once before, for about 4 years. Our marriage wasn't very strong and there were many factors that contributed to its downfall but I don't regret marrying my ex (or divorcing him). I believe that everything happens for a reason.
3. Brandon and I met online. Not the typical online way with the dating websites, oh no. We're way too unique for that. We met on an online game called Everquest II. Yes, we're nerds but it works for us.
4. I was a band geek in high school. I was in the colorguard for 3 years and winterguard as well. For those that don't know what the colorguard is, we spun the pretty flags with the marching band. It was the one thing I was extremely good at. I wish I had continued it more through college but I quit after my freshman year.
5. Everyone has their vices. Mine is gambling. I would say I'm addicted but if I was truly addicted we wouldn't be paying our bills or have money to pay cash for IVF. Still, the husband has to keep me in check when we go to the casino. But I've only been once in the past 6 months so I'd say I'm doing pretty good.
6. I like to collect magnets from every place I visit. I have some from almost every state in the US. They cover my fridge and I've even had to put some on my stove hood. Sometimes I go through them and throw out the old ones that don't stick but I have about 50 magnets right now.
7. My biggest fear is death. I haven't had to deal with it much as I still have much of my older relatives. The ones that are gone died when I was very young. I'm very deathly afraid (haha) of everyone around me dying or myself dying and leaving everyone behind.

The 7 bloggers I nominate are:

Hoping for a Baby
c by the sea
baby, interrupted
Heart Cries
Busted Plumbing
A Seattle couple's story
Everyone else but me

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