Tuesday, February 9, 2010


My second line this morning looks exactly like the line from yesterday. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't concerned that this could turn out to be a chemical pregnancy. Beta is tomorrow.


  1. It looks darker in the picture to me! I think you are just scaring yourself, stop it! stop it! stop it! But just in case I'm sending you some extra prayers for this to be a healthy pregnancy =)

  2. It looks darker to me too! I swear! Stay positive until tomorrow and then you'll know. I'll keep everything crossed! Fran

  3. I think it looks darker and thicker. You can't trust how dark your line is since (as I am sure you know) pregnancy tests are only meant to tell you "if" you are pregnant, not "how" pregnant you are. If that makes any sense. HCG levels only double every 48 hours. Just think if your level was at 30 yesterday it would only be 45 today (which is not a very big difference) and 60 tomorrow. My beta at 11dp3dt was 84 and I had twins in there. I know you are worried. The beta was by far the hardest part for me. Good Luck tomorrow. I can't wait to here your HIGH numbers.

  4. It looks a little darker to me, too. I've played the peestick game a lot, and I completely understand your concern and your nervousness. I'll be thinking good things for tomorrow's beta and even more for the second beta. (((hugs)))

  5. Good luck with your beta tomorrow. I was under the impression that darkness of the line didn't matter because it's dependent on the amount of dye in that particular stick? I only ever saw one line, though, so I'm not sure. Good luck, good luck, good luck! A line is still a line!

  6. It looks darker to me too. Stop worrying!!!

  7. Yea, my husband just called and said the same thing. "I can't BELIEVE you don't think it's darker, stop worrying!" So apparently I'm the only one who thought they looked the same. Majority rules!

  8. I agree...it is totally darker. Good luck tomorrow--rock that Beta!!!

  9. hey christa! Mine never really got darker in the first week of taking them. Maybe a TINY bit darker, but not noticeably. That and the fact that I was spotted had me convinced that it was chemical. But it wasnt! I just poas a few days ago for shits and giggles, and it was an immediate dark line. I will be 6 weeks on thursday!!!

  10. I am thinking of you!

  11. The point is you have TWO lines!! Wait for the beta before worrying yourself crazy. I'm thinking and praying for a great beta tomorrow!

  12. I think it looks a bit darker. I am still keeping my fingers crossed for you and saying lots of prayers.
