This 3 week wait will probably be hard than the 2WW I just had! No more betas or tests to show that my baby is growing as it should. It is particularly hard for me because I was pregnant once before and lost it around 5 or 6 weeks. It was back in 2003 when I was married to my ex-husband. I don't consider a "real" pregnancy because although we were taking Clomid and actively trying for a baby, I didn't know I was pregnant until the day of the miscarriage. My pregnancy tests were all negative and I got a period on time. There was no indication or symptoms of a pregnancy. That is why I'm trying to have more hope for this one, because I got the positive HPT's and I'm feeling the early symptoms of pregnancy.
They aren't much but I've found that I can't eat big meals anymore. I've become a seriously picky eater. For some reason the food just doesn't taste good. I feel like I want to spit it back out. Or maybe it's a texture issue. I'm experimenting with food to see what I can tolerate. It's mostly fruit right now. I had a tiny bout of nausea yesterday but today I seem perfectly fine (other than the fact that I woke up at 5 am with a growling stomach). Because I'm eating smaller meals I have to eat constantly, almost every hour unless I'm sleeping. I don't mind it but it's taking a while to get used to.
I'm also extremely tired. I mean super tired, like I just stayed up for 48 hours and I desperately need sleep. Only I haven't stayed up for 48 hours, it's only been about 9 hours and then I'm ready for a nap. I've been sleeping about 9-10 hours a day which may be too much and contributing to my sleepiness but I can barely stay awake at work. As soon as I get home all I want to do is eat and go straight to bed. Needless to say, none of the chores are getting done so Brandon will have to pick up the slack this weekend...while I sleep.
Yesterday I also bought my first baby-related thing. I bought the book "What to Expect when You're Expecting" and a pregnancy magazine. It felt weird buying something like that but I like the book and I learned last night that my baby is the size of a strawberry seed. Next week it will be a gummy bear. Geez, NOW I know why I'm hungry all the time! What's up with the food references in a pregnancy book? Did nobody think that was a bad idea when they were writing it??
Anyway, so the next three weeks may be pretty boring on this blog as I try to keep myself occupied with my upcoming move to Groton, CT. Yippee. I should be about 5 months pregnant by then. Poor Brandon will have to pack up the whole house alone, or at least move the boxes around for me while I pack. At least the military moves the boxes and furniture onto the truck and all we have to do is drive our vehicles to our new place. We are still debating about whether to sell his car so we only have to drive one car (and thus split the driving time between us) or just take both cars across the US. We'll need to make a decision soon so we can put his car up for sale if we decide to go that route. We're also debating about whether to buy a house or rent an apartment. Renting houses out there is rare as they are mostly vacation rentals and we don't want to live in base housing again. They'll only give us a tiny 2 bedroom townhome (based on our family size) and we could easily get a 3 bedroom with our housing allowance out in town. So many decisions to make!