Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Dr. Gloom and Doom was WRONG!!

Our baby is doing just fine. It's measuring at 6w1d (I'm 6w6d) with a heartbeat of 120 bpm. I got a different doctor today, Dr B, who I thought was deployed but apparently has been in a different part of the hospital for the past 6 months. He said that they're still cautiously optimistic but I'm not. I'm very happy with today's ultrasound, even if my baby is on its own time schedule. I don't think there's anything to worry about at this point.

The doc did find a second sac but couldn't find a heartbeat. We weren't expecting to see that. We don't know whether there's a baby in there but right now we're just assuming that we only have one little sprout. I go back again next Tuesday for another ultrasound. I suppose next week we will know for sure how many there are.

The only downside is that there was an Army student who was observing our ultrasound today. I didn't appreciate that because if the news had turned out bad then I would have preferred to grieve without some stranger in the room. Other than that today was a very good day!


  1. YAY! I am happy that your little one is doing well. And that you got the follow-up this week to help deal with your doubts thanks to Dr. Doom.

    And I am glad that the "good" Dr was there for your appointment.

  2. What great news!! YAY! I'm so, so happy for you!

  3. Awww yay!! Congrats! I am so happy for you.

  4. I'm very glad to hear he was wrong!!

  5. Oh I'm so happy Christa, that at least this was a good news appointment!!!

  6. I'm glad you got good results and I hope next Tuesday brings more of the same.


  7. Oh I am so glad. I was bracing myself as I clicked on your blog. I love your fearlessly infertile lady by the way. congrats LFCA

  8. Congratulations!!! So happy for you!!!! Glad all is looking like it should!!

  9. Good to see some good news! :-)

  10. I knew it!! Delighted for you!!

  11. Woohoo for you!!!

    By the way, I have nominated you for the "You're Going Places, Baby" award! Please visit http://journeytowardmotherhood.blogspot.com/2010/03/award-for-moi.html for more info!

  12. I don't think I would be worried either. Remember, those embryos were a bit behind when you put them in, so...it (or they) are right on track!!

  13. Yay, yay, yay!! Take that Dr. Gloom & Doom!
