I've been doing a lot of thinking and worrying about our financial situation and the cost of another IVF cycle or domestic adoption. I know we still have money available for those treatments but that would leave nothing left in our emergency savings, hence the worrying. With Brandon planning on quitting the Navy in less than 5 years we need to have a good amount of money saved up so we can stay afloat while he finds another job. My goal for that is $10,000, no small amount of money. Neither is the cost of another IVF ($8,000) or adoption ($25,000). That's a lot of money we need to have in our savings account and we simply don't have that much. Not even close to it.
So I have decided to pursue some creative ways to earn money to set aside for our next baby-making attempt. The first venture has already made its debut on my blog. Its called
Infolinks. It's a pay per click in-text advertising company. It's quite simple to add to your blog, you simply add some html code into your template. Infolinks does the rest. It finds keywords in your blog and adds advertising links to them. You can hover over a link to see where the it will take you. Members get paid based on the number of times that readers click a link. Payment is made every month to your Paypal account. So far the process has been quick and easy for me. I signed up two days ago and the links are already showing up on my blog. The only bad thing I've noticed is that some of the links are for advertisements that are COMPLETELY irrelevant to the keyword it is linked to. I'm not sure how much I'll be paid for my participation with Infolinks but please feel free to click a link or two so I can at least find out. I'll update again in a month and let you know how it's working out for me.
Another money-making venture I'm trying is writing online articles. I researched a few companies such as
eHow but ultimately chose to write for
Associated Content. I wrote and submitted my first article yesterday and I'm waiting for it to be published. I'm extremely excited about this. I know I've been writing publicly on my blog for almost a year but it seems more like a journal to me. Writing for Associated Content makes me feel like an actual writer. Just like with Infolinks, my paid amount is based on the number of views to my articles. When my article is published I'll include it on my sidebar for your viewing pleasure. Almost all my articles will feature information about infertility.
My last money-making attempt will not occur for at least a few more months. I plan on having a raffle to raise money for our IVF or adoption. I have some credit card points I can use to purchase a gift card or nice product (valued around $100). I plan on selling tickets for $5 each. I'll announce it when everything is set up and ready to go.
So that's what has been keeping me busy for the past few days. I've been doing a little better in dealing with my depression by staying as busy as possible but I know it will take some time. I'd like to thank you all for the support you've given me over the past few weeks. It's really meant a lot to know that there are people out there who know what I've been going through.