One thing I know for sure is that I don't want to make Fearlessly Infertile private. Blogger still doesn't have the option to make certain posts password protected so that's not an option either. So I've decided to create a private blog specifically for adoption. I'll continue to write on Fearlessly Infertile, and if i have a new post on the private blog I'll even mention that. But I think the private sub-blog will allow me to freely talk about topics that I would otherwise feel uncomfortable talking about. And we also agreed with our homestudy agency (not our adoption agency) that we would not post public pictures of our child until the finalization is complete. A real bummer but we did agree to it. So unfortunately when our child comes home we will only be able to share pictures on the private blog and through email.
Fearlessly Infertile will stay the same. I'm not changing the name because I'm still infertile. I'll still give updates on infertility grants and seminars (and don't forget about the Lost Stork's upcoming raffle in November!). I'll still talk about some adoption topics on here too, including my quest to buy baby stuff at ridiculous discounts. Speaking if discounts, I got some crazy deals at Target the other day. Mostly Johnson & Johnson products but I also bought my first pack of diapers. And the world didn't end. And with that said I probably owe you guys some other updates as well.
My period never came back. I spotted on Monday but then it was done. I've had some slight cramping off and on but now it seems that everything has died down. Nurse D never returned my email so I didn't get another beta. Oh well. Our last homestudy visit is October 6th (our 4 year anniversary). All the agency is waiting on is our FBI clearances and our WA state background checks (we haven't lived in CT long enough). Then we'll be homestudy approved! We submitted our adoption profile to our agency the other day. We select 50+ pictures, write "articles" about our home, family, and other topics (we pick 6 topics from a dozen topics they give us) and of course the Birth Parents letter which was really difficult to write. Then we submit all that information and the media specialists at our agency put together our profile. It's formatted the same as all the other adoptive couples, with the exception of the subject of the articles. But it gives a consistent format for the birth parents to look through and help choose an adoptive couple. That's perfectly fine with me because we spent SO much time working on the articles and pictures, I can't imagine how long it would have taken if we had to put together a whole book ourselves. So in a couple weeks we'll get a proof of our profile to approve and then it's time to go active. I'm so excited I don't know what to do. Until then, we're just waiting.
So I think I'll set up my private blog today. If you'd like an invite (I can only give out 100) then please email me at cvpis4me@ I'll send you an invitation. Please reply back when you get it cause I'm still new to the private blog thing so I want to make sure I'm doing it right. The link will be