If you've got two Muggle parents, you could possibly turn out to be a witch or wizard, like Hermione. And if you've got one Muggle parent and another magic parent (like Seamus), you will likely turn out to be a witch or wizard just like your magic parent. And if you have TWO magic parents, you're almost certain to turn out magic as well, just like Harry did. There's only been a few rare cases where you turn out to be a Squib (like Argus Filtch). Based on that information, wouldn't it be safe to assume that eventually the wizarding world would wipe out the Muggle world?
Brandon says no (he never read the books though). He argued that you're not born a witch or wizard, you learn it. He apparently thinks Hermione learned how to be a witch which is why she was accepted. But you're definitely born that way, otherwise Harry would have never been accepted into Hogwarts. He never knew he was a wizard till someone told him.
So...what do you think? Isn't it possible that with the rapid rise in witches and wizards that they will eventually outnumber the Muggles?
I too love Harry Potter. I have to think about this question a bit before I can come to some sort of valid conclusion.