Friday, June 5, 2009

Playing the waiting game

Today I am 9dpiui (9 days past IUI). I think the HCG shot is still in my system until tomorrow so there's no point in taking a pregnancy test any time soon. It would just show a false positive. I'll hold out until Monday before taking my first test. If it comes out negative, I'll take another test 2 days later and keep going that until I get a + or until it's time to start next month's medication. I don't really trust HPT's (home pregnancy tests) because the last time I was pregnant I took two tests on two different days, got a negative result on each test, and even started my period on time. Two weeks later I had my miscarriage. I felt cheated because I didn't even know I had been pregnant and never got to experience any pregnancy symptoms. So I will take as many tests as necessary to ensure that I'm not getting a misleading answer this time.

Last time the Clomid worked for me was back in January. When the doctor found a follicle that was mature, he said I should ovulate any day and to go home and have sex that night. Nothing against my wonderful husband but I had never been so excited to have sex in my life!! I thought for sure this would be it. I only waited until cd23 to start taking the HPT's, which is too early of course. Still, I kept peeing on those sticks every morning and wasted about $50. I was just too anxious to wait until the right day to test (around cd28). Of course I didn't end up getting pregnant and I was seriously depressed at the end of the month.

This time around is completely different. I'm not anxious at all. I count each day that goes by, and I do think about it frequently, but I'm not counting the minutes until it's time to take a test. Perhaps it's because the acupuncture has relaxed me so much. Perhaps it's just because I'm being more realistic about this cycle. Who knows. The only thing I've found truly annoying is everyone else!! I made the mistake of telling my best friend what was happening. I also told my friend at work and a couple co-workers. Now I hear daily "Are you pregnant yet?" and "Do you feel pregnant yet?" and "When are you going to find out?". It's driving me crazy!! I think next time I will be little more hush-hush about it. I purposely didn't tell my family because they're 100 times worse. They worry too much and would call me every day to see if anything has changed. Then I would never be able to relax and forget about it! I'll tell them soon enough though.

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