Sunday, January 9, 2011

Weigh In Week 4

Well it was bound to happen. I got my first weight gain. I came in at 201.8 lbs this morning, a gain of .6 pounds. I'm really not that worried about it. I had done some pretty strenuous workouts this week so it could have been muscle gain. Then again, I didn't keep to my diet like I should have so I need to get on the ball with that. I do so well during the day, bringing a healthy breakfast and lunch with me to work. The problem is that sometimes I crave something sweet and visit the vending machine, or I have a rather large dinner. I'm still doing a terrible job with portion control. That's been my biggest problem so far. I'm doing better with meat like chicken or pork chops, but full meals like spagetti are still larger than they should be. I'm working on it though.


  1. I also struggle with portion control! I've been trying to use smaller plates OR just pile everything onto 1 plate instead of putting my salad in a bowl.. so far it's helping a little bit! :-)

  2. Portion control is SOOOOOO hard. If you need some inspiration and are willing to bring God into your new healthier eating, "Made to Crave" is a wonderful book that can inspire you and help you through your weight loss goals. Good luck with everything!!!! :)

  3. Congrats on continuing the diet - I wish I could stay disciplined with my meals!

  4. Portion control gets me every time...I have so much trouble not eating what my hubby does. Good job on sticking to your WW plan!

  5. Hang in there, you'll find your stride. If you worked out hard this week a bit of your gain could be water weight as well.

    And portion control is tough! Especially when you're working out. I always find that I feel starved after working out in the afternoons.

  6. I am there with you..and kudos for putting your weight here for everyone to see. I do not even utter my weight...oh dang it!! is just a number...but it controls my life too much!!! I lost weight in 2010- but as soon as I found out IVf is here to stay..I really do eat emotionally. I guess i have no advice..just here to tell you, you are not alone. Have you been exercising? It really feels good to get those endorphins going. I have a friend who is going to try to meet and walk around this large lake near my house this week. Maybe start walking with a friend( exercise buddy) or maybe the hubby will walk with you?

  7. Stupid portion control (said in Homer Simpson voice)
