Friday, April 30, 2010

Weight Loss Update Week Two: Frustrations

Although last week was a bummer with my first gain, I expected this week to be much better as I work up my endurance and am able to stay at the gym for longer periods of time. No such luck. This morning I weighed in at 196.6 pounds. WHAT.THE.FUCK. I know I'm not dieting for every meal as I'm trying to also live on the remaining food in the house but seriously?! I've busted my ass at the gym three times this week, staying for an hour each time and I still gained weight? I'm feeling pretty pissed off right now. What's the point in eating bland diet food if nothing is going to change?? My only consolation is that my clothes are fitting a little better and I don't look so bloated in the stomach. But I'm certainly not seeing results on the scale. Brandon says I'm just trading muscle for fat which explains the weight gain but I don't care. Two gains in a row is enough. I better lose some damn weight next week.


  1. Hey you,

    When you have pcos you gain muscle before you lose fat! I dunno why it is. BUT muscle helps you burn fat so eventually you'll start losing.

    I usually measure inch loss for the first few weeks of dieting as I find it more rewarding. Not losing anything is no fun at all.

    And way to go you busting your gut at the gym :)

  2. Don't give up, girl! I never lose weight before 30 days of really dedicated work. Give yourself time, and don't worry too much about the scale yet. You can do this!

  3. Sweetie, your DH is right!! When you start going to the gym you wil put on weight, and only later you will loose a bit. Do not despair, you are doing well!

  4. It is frustrating, but with PCOS, you have to fight extra hard. It sucks. It took me three weeks for the scale to start coming down. Looser clothes is a good sign! Keep at it!

  5. Muscle weighs more than fat. So if you are building muscles and replacing the fat with it, you are probably gaining weight initially. The weight loss will come eventually. Hang in there.
