Sunday, April 25, 2010

My first baby purchase

Before you go freaking out, NO, I'm not pregnant. Furthermore, I've always held the belief that you should never buy anything for a baby you're not yet carrying. It's bad juju. Well, my friends, last week changed all that. I was reading Sonja's blog about her preparation for her arriving quadruplets and she mentioned that she found a hedgehog mobile. I love hedgehogs. I had one in college. His name was Brillo and was the funniest little animal. Not too fun to play with as they're spiky and nocturnal so every time I put him in his ball to roll around the room he would just poop and then fall asleep. But he was still entertaining and I miss him dearly.

So when Sonja mentioned her hedgehog mobile I immediately began searching for it online. I found it here but unfortunately they had no bedding to go with it. So I started my search again. And then I found it. The absolute most perfect nursery bedding and accessories one could hope for. It's called Spike and Buzz and its made by a UK company called Bed-e-byes. I instantly fell in love and told Brandon that I had to purchase it (once we moved to Connecticut of course). He agreed that it was cute and didn't mind that I'm about to spend roughly $350 on a baby we have yet to conceive. But it's totally worth it. I'm going to buy the Room in a Box which comes with all the accessories. What's even better is that it's gender neutral! I've never been so excited to purchase something in all my life.

So there you have it. I have probably just jinxed myself for eternity but who cares. I'm going to have a baby, damnit, and that baby is going to sleep amongst hedgehogs and bumblebees. I wouldn't accept anything less for my little munchkin.


  1. No such thing as a jinx!! I love that you went for it and got what you love. Good for you girl!!!

  2. That is adorable!

    I also love that you went ahead and got it. You just told infertility to suck it. :)

  3. I don't believe in the jinx I believe in the power of positive thinking!

  4. First of all, such a cute bed set!
    I'm buying our crib set next week!

    And secondly, I don't think you'll jinx yourself! I never bought anything either, and I still didn't get pregnant. LoL Not that I'm saying you won't either, but you get the idea! Now that we've started the adoption process! I love to pick up random things here and there!

  5. Super cuteness which totally reminds me of the Lollipop Lane Nursery collections sold at

  6. That is so awesome! I totally want my baby to have something funky and different too! Hedgehogs are awesome!

  7. Ohhh I've wanted to do this sooo many times but always held back, maybe now I will give in seeing as I won't be the only one ;)

    P.S- It is very cute!

  8. Remember when George on "Seinfeld" decided that doing what he thought was right was not working, so he decided to do the opposite...and everything started going his way (he picked up a hot lady and got a job with the Yankees). If it is good enough to turn around his sorry mojo, it is good enough for yours!

  9. Such cute bedding! I don't believe in all that bad juju stuff, but my husband does so no more purchasing baby stuff for me! But, I do have the bedding as well! Had to have it (dragonfly gender neutral), so I bought it! Good luck!

  10. It sounds so cute and I think it was a great idea to buy it. I have bought things here and there when I found good deals or cute things I didn't think I could find again. I don't regret it at all. And it's helpful money wise to buy over time rather than all at once.

    Enjoy it :)
