Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Retrieval Update

I must warn my readers that this post will contain lots of complaining and probably more whining than I should be doing. But this is my blog and this is how I feel so if you disagree with me then please refrain from posting rude comments. We're all adults here and I can take criticism but not rudeness.

Retrieval did not go as expected. All morning I felt so full I was sure I was going to explode. The fact that the doc was running an hour behind at the clinic didn't help, but at least the chairs in the waiting room recline so I just sat back and watched The View while I waited to be called back. Everything went as smoothly as I expected and after I woke up from retrieval Dr. P told me they had gotten 18 follicles: 12 from one side, 8 from the other. It wasn't as many as the last IVF (20 eggs retrieved) but I was still happy with those numbers, especially since I was certain that they would all be mature, given the fact that they were grouped together so very nicely this cycle. When I triggered with IVF #1 my range of follicles was 13-21mm. This time it was 15-18mm. So imagine my shock when Dr P said that only 10 were mature. What.the.fuck. He said that 2 of the remaining 8 were overripe and were done for. The remaining 6 might mature in the petri dish this afternoon. But that's a big "if" and I'm not counting on that because I don't know what the odds are that they will mature. And even if they mature, would they really be just as good as the ones who were mature from the very beginning? I never had to deal with that situation so I never bothered to read up about it. I'm just seriously disappointed with only 10 mature follicles. I know some women would give their left boob for that number but those numbers are disappointing for me. After all, I have PCOS so I always have a large number of follicles and I'm still under 30 I kinda assume that my numbers would be good. But last IVF produced 4 embryos out of 16 mature eggs, so if those odds stay the same then I'll only have 2-3 embryos this time around. Considering that this is our last fresh IVF, that means we won't have any embryos for freezing and that pisses me off. I spent the past four months choking back all kinds of vitamins and for what?? 2 fucking embryos at age 29?? I'm sorry but I kind of expected my hard work to pay off. I know I shouldn't jump to conclusions right now (as my husband is reminding me every five minutes) but I also can't help feeling a little bitter and disappointed. I think it might be because there was nothing about this cycle that was better than last cycle, even though I tried so much harder to improve my diet and took all those vitamins. I guess it just goes to show that none of that shit helps. I'm extremely depressed right now and it's taking everything I have not to cry my eyes out. What I wouldn't give for a chocolate martini.....


  1. wishing the best for you Christa!!! Best of luck for lots of beautiful embabies!!

  2. Breathe in and out. The eggs could be of better quality this time around. Breathe, and see what the fert report brings, okay? HUGS. Get some rest and lots of fluid.

  3. hang in there at least until the fert report. You never know - maybe your egg quality has improved and they will all fertilize. Feel free to bitch to us...we get it.

  4. So sorry sweetie. Hoping the ones you got will be "the" egg. *hugs* Take care of yourself.

  5. It's really hard when you expect more than you end up with no matter what the number is. Get your anger out so that you can focus on being calm and relaxed when you hit transfer time. I'll be thinking of you!

  6. Oh Sweetie, its not over. Try to let go what is out of your control, like Kakunaa said, deep breaths.
    In the mean time, bitch until you feel better.
    Thinking of you lots (((hugs)))

  7. I'm so sorry. I hope everything goes better from here on out though.

  8. As a fellow egg factory, I completely understand your frustration. Hang in there!

  9. I'm really sorry to hear this. You'll be in my thoughts! ***Hugs***

  10. So sorry Christa. It does suck. But remember quality over quanitity. Sometimes having less improves the quality, which is what we want. I know you feel though, sometimes I wonder if my diet/ vitamins matter. Fingers crossed for a good fertilization report.

  11. oh I am so sorry that you are feeling so down after all the anticipation of yesterday. I know that feeling and man does it hurt! I am sending you some positive thoughts and I know you might not want to hear it but it's all about the quality. In my first cycle I got 11 eggs and out of those we put 2 back and we were able to freeze 4(2 good quality the other 2 probably not). That cycle was a bust. My second cycle we got 10 eggs and out of those we got 2 perfect blasts to put back and none left to freeze.. you would have thought it was a bust too but here I am 37 weeks pregnant with our baby girl! Sending you a massive virtual hug and I am keeping you in my thoughts!!

  12. Let's take it one step at the time. See how many fertilise and then maybe you have the right to be disappointed. not now honestly. 18 eggs retrieved is a lot, the variation in their maturity is very likely due to PCOS and it's very hard to gage when to trigger. Consider that two were gone too far already. But I'm so confident these 10 eggs are going to be perfect.
    At my last round I had 18 follicles at my last scan, perfect size and E2 etc and they got 6 eggs. I mean 6!! can you imagine? Do not think of the numbers of embryos of the last cycle, not two cycles are the same, there's no reason to believe that you will have the same ratio this time around. big hugs my friend.

  13. Hang in there! Fingers crossed for a good fert report!

  14. I am sorry things did not turn out the way you were hoping. That stinks. I am still holding onto hope that those that fertilized will be good quality embryos.

    hang in there. See this through to the end before you throw in the towel.

  15. I'm sorry you're dealing with this right now - hopefully things take a turn for the better and you'll be surprised by the outcome! I understand the need to vent, I know we all do!

    ICLW #115
