Tuesday, September 21, 2010

ICLW Welcome and IVF Update

Welcome ICLW readers! I'm Christa, author of Fearlessly Infertile. I've been TTC since 2007 and we're in the midst of our second IVF after having a miscarriage with our first IVF. Tomorrow is retrieval day for me, it's looking like I have about 18 follicles. I triggered last night and Nurse D called me this afternoon with my bloodwork results. My e2 is now 6,142 (up from 3,574 yesterday) and my HCG from my trigger shot was 96. They want to see that level around 100 or else you have to take the shot again. Thankfully it's close enough to 100 that I don't have to re-do the shot because my right ass cheek is still hurting from last night.

So since I'm retrieving tomorrow I figured it wouldn't hurt to take bets on how many eggs they'll get and how many will be mature. Here are the bets from me, Brandon, and a few of my friends.

Me: 20 retrieved, 18 mature
Brandon: 16 retrieved, 13 mature
Susanne: 14 retrieved, 12 mature
Gretchen: 16 retrieved, 12 mature

Notice who's more optimistic? Feel free to take your bets!


  1. YAY!! Good luck at ER. I can't wait to hear your results and fert report :)

  2. How exciting! Good luck for retrieval tomorrow, I hope it all goes smoothly and you get a great number of eggs and great fertilisation results to follow!


  3. Hot Damn! That is a high E2 level, huh? Remember, I am an IVF newbie therefore a bit ignorant. Sounds really, really awesome!
    I like your bet, very optimistic!
    You are making it look easy peasy :)

  4. Wishing you good luck at your ER tomorrow!

  5. I am going with 19 retrieved and 18 mature! Good luck tomorrow!

  6. Lots o' luck on your retrieval tomorrow! It's good to see another military wife on here! ICLW

  7. Sending you TONS of good luck for tomorrow!!!!


  8. Best of luck sweetie on your ER!!! Good on you for being so optimistic!!! Cannot wait for your update!!

  9. 18 will be an awesome haul, so I'm gonna back you on this. Wishing you all the very best for retrieval and hope you have a brilliant fert report.

    Happy ICLW

  10. Hope you have a great haul at Retrieval! Good luck!
