Check this out: Visit
this website for some free rewards codes on RecycleBank. You can enter up to 5 codes (or the same code 5 times) for a total of 75 points. New users get a bonus of 25 points for signing up. If you also sign up for the eBay Green Team you'll get 50 points for a total of 150 points. With that you can go shopping for rewards. They have a selection of 5 magazines for 115 points for a one-year subscription! That seems to be the best deal but they do have other stuff like a free ice cream cone from McDonald's for 100 points (if you choose not to do the Green Team sign-up on eBay).
*Update* You can also enter TakeSmallSteps as a code, select Marcal as the partner, for another 15 points.Here's another way to get a free magazine subscription. Follow the instructions
here to get free bonus miles when you sign up with USAir. With those 1,500 points you can get a free subscription, though the selection of magazines was pretty crappy. I ended up choosing Money Magazine because nothing else appealed to me. The points do take 24-48 hours for them to show up. This offer expires September 30th.
I'm still waiting to announce the winner of the giveaway. I might have to pick someone else but I'm giving the person one more day to respond before I choose someone else.
How do you find these sort of things? Thanks