Friday, August 7, 2009

The things you'll try just to have a kid

Lately I've been reading about vitamins and natural supplements that can help increase fertility. Lots of articles kept mentioning wheatgrass so I researched more about this. The claims are that a small serving of wheatgrass has the same nutritional value as about 20 pounds of vegetables. Nice! Other articles also mention that it's good for women with high FSH and for improving egg quality. I decided it couldn't hurt to try some so I went searching. We have a local supermarket that is very "green", selling mostly organic food, lots of soy products, tofu, pretty much a tree-hugging hippie's paradise. I started there but all they had was fresh wheatgrass and I didn't feel like juicing my own so I went to another nutrition store. They had powder that can be mixed with juice or smoothies and the capsules. I bought the powder since I already mix flaxseed with my smoothies, what could it hurt? I rushed home and poured a tablespoon of the dark green powder into my last bit of grape juice. The resulting concoction was the most HORRIBLE thing I had ever tasted. It smelled, well, grassy and looked like goose poo. I held my breath and drank it but the taste of the wheatgrass lingers on your tongue so it was hard to keep down. I fought every urge to throw it up. I had planned on taking this once a day but I don't know how I'll be able to do that again. It's been over 10 minutes since I finished the drink and I can still taste it in my mouth. How do people eat this stuff???? Maybe next time I'll get the capsules.

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