Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Can't a girl get a break???

Today is cd19 and the bleeding it still there. It's so light it could be considered spotting but I still need to wear a tampon. I've been cramping a teeny tiny bit which probably isn't good. So I called the nurse up to see if I should be concerned. She wants me to come in on Monday morning for a follicle/lining check. I don't understand what this means but she said if the lining is still really thick then they might consider keeping me on birth control for another month so everything can straighten itself out. I was very bummed to hear that. I would hate to postpone my baby making for another month. It's bad enough that they're taking the fun out of getting pregnant, the least they could do is not delay it another month. My acupuncturist hasn't been able to get the bleeding to stop either so maybe there's really something wrong with me. I guess I'll find out on Monday. For now I'll try not to think about it and instead enjoy this plate of chocolate chip cookies that a co-worker brought in. YUM!

1 comment:

  1. MMMmmm. Chocolate chip cookies...

    Hopefully everything is alright at the follie check. I spotted/bled on and off throughout the month I was on BCPs, just to come in for a perfect u/s and move right on to a new cycle. I hope it works out this way for you as well. Good luck!

