I think what made the BFN hard for me was a combination of things: our anniversary (the first one we were able to spend together since our marriage, due to the military), the BFP of my cycle buddy, and the fact that in less than two weeks I should be giving birth to a healthy baby girl, the one we conceived from our first IVF. Instead I miscarried at 8 weeks and got a BFN from our second IVF cycle. This has just been a shitty shitty month, one that will probably only get harder as our due date (Oct 20th) approaches.
Brandon and I are coming very very close to the end of this infertility road. Emotionally and financially we are spent. Gone are the days of excitement and optimism when starting a fresh cycle. Now there is no excitement, no hopes of a pregnancy, no dreams of how we plan on telling our family the news or whether this next Mother's Day or Father's Day will be celebrated as new parents. It's all gone. It's like when you first start trying to get pregnant, sex is so different, so fun. It actually has a purpose, and that purpose is to make a baby. But then you get diagnosed with infertility and you're told when you can have sex and when you're supposed to abstain. Infertility takes the fun out of sex. That's how I feel now, only about the entire baby-making process. It's no longer fun or hopeful or exciting. It's a drag and to be honest, if we didn't have 7 frozen embryos I would be quitting right now. But we do have those embryos and we're going to keep trying until we run out.
And then we're done.
Adoption is no longer on the table, unless I find a job that has decent adoption benefits. We will consider IUI's only if we move back to Washington and can drive to Madigan for them. We're not traveling 1,400 miles to NC for an IUI. We're setting aside $9K for the 2-3 frozen embryo transfers and that's it. Either we'll get pregnant or we won't. Do I think we'll get pregnant from those frozen embryos? Yes. Do I think we'll have a healthy, safe pregnancy? I have no idea. All I know is that Brandon and I have agreed on a stopping point for this process and we're both at peace with living childless if we don't get pregnant by that time. It sucks that we've reached this emotional and financial limit before we're even 30 but we refuse to go broke trying to have a kid. It doesn't make sense to us, and even though I know plenty of people out there would take out loans and second mortgages for the chance to have a baby, that's not for us. We won't live on ramen noodles just to get pregnant. Some would call us selfish but I don't care what other people think. The truth is that it's almost getting to the point where we don't want kids anymore just because it's too expensive and too hard. Never in a million years did I think I would be writing those words but I am. And Brandon and I both feel that after these FET's are done, we can say we gave it our best shot. If we end up pregnant from them, great, but if we fail then we are okay knowing that we tried.
So I can say without a doubt that by my 30th birthday next July I will either be pregnant or done with our family building. And we will either be starting the Next Big Adventure as new parents, or we will be continuing our Current Big Adventure as a childless couple who loves spending time with each other.
On a side note, some of you may notice that the blogs I read have drastically changed. I had been following many blogs whose authors ended up getting pregnant or had babies, always through infertility treatments or adoption. Through the past few months I've been able to handle reading those blogs but lately it's just become too much and I had to remove the majority them. I also removed some that don't post often, but I added a few new infertility blogs in their place. I apologize to anyone for removing myself as a follower on your blog but I hope you understand that this is really my only "safe zone" since Facebook and the fertility boards are covered with pregnant people and infertility success stories. At this point in my life I would just like to have one space where I don't have to read about someone else's pregnancy or new baby. And I understand if I lose some followers too. After all, I lost two on the day I posted about my BFN! Everyone has their own reason for reading a blog and if you ever feel that this blog isn't providing the needs you're looking for then feel free to stop reading. No hard feelings.
I have been thinking about you and wondering how you are doing. Sounds like you guys have talked about this and made some major decisions. We are right there with you. We will also be done TTC after IVF#2. Please feel free to chat with me if you need a friend. Glad you were able to get away for a couple days with your hubby!
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry for so much disappointment & pain. I'm glad you got to get away and enjoy your anniversary at least a little bit.
ReplyDeleteI don't think your selfish at all for setting a stopping point. Most of us can't afford emtionally & financially to go on and on with infertility treatments.
I have everything crossed for you frozen cycle(s)!
I'm so sorry that you got such bad news on your first anniversary together! I'm glad you were at least able to get away and escape for a little while.
ReplyDeleteI don't think it's selfish at all to have agreed to not go into massive debt in your efforts to build your family. In fact, I think it's quite the opposite--you're thinking of the long-term effects of plunging yourselves into debt and the effect that might have on your child as well. (Sorry sweetie, mom and dad can't send you to college cuz we're still paying off the loans it took to conceive you). I think we all need to set that end point from a rational place, not an emotional one, and it sounds like that's what you have done.
Hopefully you won't even have to consider that endpoint though, because your FET will bring you a healthy, happy baby (or two)!
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ReplyDeleteChrista - I so understand what you are going through. I think we push that proverbial line in the sand until we can't push it anymore. We ask "when is enough, enough?" and sometimes enough comes a lot sooner or later than we thought. You take one day at a time and know that whatever path you choose, know that you will always be amongst friends.
ReplyDeleteDH and I are also at peace with being childless (though at times it feels blasphemous admitting that), if our final FET doesn't work out. I am often shocked at how peaceful I feel about that, even though it took quite a bit of practice. I also had to stop following a few blogs where people ended up with their BFP and healthy babe at the "end" of their journey. I know they understand, just like I would. Peace to you and your hubby.
ReplyDeleteP.S. Our anniversary just passed, too. :-)
I can't have said the jest of what you did any better myself!
ReplyDeleteWhile we would always be more than happy to have that literally miraculous pregnancy someday, Luke and I are to the point where we don't even want kids if it's going to be like this.
I have also made a bit of a change on my blog too. I have added more military wives and networked with them too. Though my blog was never made specifically for IF reasons, it was a huge part of it.
I have also deactivated my facebook account. I was tired of seeing literally every single friend I had on there go on and on about their kids and pregnancies... and the last straw was when the only gal I knew in person to have IF issues just blurt it all over facebook that she was pregnant (for the 4th time, she was having IF issues after having her tubes untied). I LOVE being facebook free! I may go back once I get further with my therapist and further away from all this IF crap.
I rambled on! Sorry for such a long comment!!
Lot's of love to you & DH!
Of course no hard feelings. I'm not sure if you still follow me but I completely understand if you don't. Let me know if you prefer me to read silently, I'll keep following you because I want to be here when you'll celebrate you BFP. I understand you have to see the end of this road independently of the outcome. I'm supporting you every step of the way. Love, Fran
ReplyDeleteI feel for you too. I am going on the same road with you next month is our anniversary and every single day it drag seems that I am also losing hope. I totally understand you not wanting to read some of our sister's who has conceived already not because your bitter but indeed this is our safe zone. Keep praying. God Bless
ReplyDeleteThinking of you Christa. I still read along with yours, (and there are no BFP's around here, I assure you.) I am glad to hear you have come to some sort of peace about this situation, in that you have realized what your limit is. I don't think this makes you selfish at all. I sincerely hope you don't reach that limit however...best wishes to you.
Dearest Christa, Please know that I am as sad for you as I am happy for my daughter, your cycle buddy. I won't stop reading because you've become an extended part of my 'family'. You've been there for Susanne when I couldn't be. I still care and will be with you in spirit whatever direction life takes you. Love always.
ReplyDeleteWorking on the assumption that I am likely one of the bloggers you stopped reading, I just wanted you to know that I take absolutely no offense to it at all and don't blame you one bit. You have to do what's best for you.
ReplyDeleteI also want you to know that I will most definitely continue to read your blog and cheer you on.