Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Becoming Her Own Person

Over the past few months C has transformed from a tiny crying baby to a chubby little person.  She has SO much personality and it's awesome to watch her grow.  She's stubborn and very strong willed.  Some of her habits concern me while others are just adorable.  Her birthmom said she was a thumb sucker till she was about 12 so we weren't surprised when C started to go that route.  In the past month she went from only sucking her thumb during sleep (and only on her tummy) to sucking it all.the.time.  Honestly we're not concerned, even though people constantly remind us about the dangers to her not-yet-there teeth.  Our birthmom sucked her thumb and had perfect teeth while Brandon was never a thumb sucker and has horrible teeth.  I feel it has more to do with genetics than anything else.  Besides, we offer a pacifier but it just falls out and she's not at the point where she can get it back into her mouth on her own.  The hand-thumb coordination however is spot on.

Another thing we've noticed is that C does not like strangers.  At all.  We thought this "stranger danger" phase wouldn't appear till around 9 months but it started at 3 and she hasn't shown any signs of changing her mind about people.  She's always been such a serious baby from the beginning but just a smile and a wave from a stranger can cause her to cry hysterically.  I'll admit that it bothers me a bit.  I don't feel comfortable leaving her with a baby-sitter or childcare provider, though I've used drop-in daycare twice when I had to.  It's hard to tell strangers, especially older folks, out in public to please not interact with my daughter.  I'm thinking about buying her a onesie that says "Don't make eye contact with me.  I consider it a sign of aggression."  I'm just kidding.

But seriously.

I have found that she prefers to sit quietly in my lap or her car seat and just observe the people around her.   After that she will sometimes interact with people and sometimes she'll just flip out.  I guess it depends on her mood.  I'm still trying to figure her out and trying to decide whether to schedule 6 month pictures or not.  Because paying for pictures of a screaming baby doesn't really seem worth it. 

We started her on baby food a week ago right at around 5 months.  We did pureed avocado that I made and she really enjoyed.  Unfortunately I think we let her have too much (about 2-3 tablespoons at a feeding) because the blowouts and subsequent diaper rash were HORRIBLE.  So after three days we stopped the baby food and went back to strictly formula.  Now we're back to giving oatmeal cereal with her formula and trying to combat the diaper rash and runny poop that doesn't seem to end.  I'm hoping that if things ever get back to "normal" in that region that we'll try baby food again.  This time it would be sweet potatoes.

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