Sunday, June 2, 2013

5 Months Old and Other Updates

C is just a few days away from turning 5 months and I'm left wondering where the time went.  It seems that overnight she went from being a serious baby with a furrowed eyebrow to a happy squealing infant.  Her best buddy is still Oso (by a long shot) but Brandon and I can get her to laugh and smile as well.  We introduced her to the exersaucer which she hated at first but has now become her favorite toy.  She's rolling over both ways and trying very very hard to crawl.  But while her legs know what to do she doesn't seem to realize that her arms need to be involved.  So instead her legs will be doing the army-crawl while she sucks on her arm or thumb.  Speaking of thumb, C has become a champion thumb-sucker, just like her birthmom was when she was a kid.  I have to admit, seeing C laying on her tummy with her thumb in her mouth just melts my heart.  I love this little girl so much.

We plan to start solid foods in the next couple weeks so if anyone has any suggestions please let me know.  I have a baby food maker and plan to start with mushed avocados, then sweet potatoes.  After introducing a couple veggies I'll start with fruits, maybe peaches or pears.

I'm trying to work on losing some fat.  My weight has hit an all-time high and therefore my self-esteem has hit an all-time low.  One of my bucket list items was to climb Mount Fuji by my 35th birthday.  Since the birth of C I've had to re-think that goal and find something that's equally challenging but a little closer to home.  So I've decided to run a half marathon.  This is going to be particularly difficult for me considering I've never ran in my life, let alone 13 miles.  But I've got 2-3 years to do it.  I'd like to run in the Disney Princess Half-Marathon in February 2015 but I could get it pushed back to 2016 and it will still be before my 35th birthday.  Today I walked on the treadmill for 70 minutes (60 at an incline) and I feel like I accomplished quite a bit.  My goal is to run a 5k this fall, a 10k next year and then the half-marathon after that.  It's going to require some serious dedication and I'm hoping that I can find a few close friends and family members to support me and give me that "push" that I need when things get rough.

Also this week my friend Sarah is helping me to host my first Pampered Chef party.  It's the online catalog version so if you're a fan of PC products and would like to place and order you can follow the link here.  Orders can be placed through June 9th.   

As you can tell, life around our house has been pretty quiet.  A year ago that would have bothered the heck out of me and I would be making plans for a new vacation or hobby.  Today, however, I'm perfectly fine with quiet :)


  1. What a sweetheart! Time flies by way too quickly!

  2. She is so cute! and yes, the time sure flies by! Enjoy every second!
