Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Fun with Google Analytics Part Three

It's been over a year since I've done a post about Google Analytics and since I need a distraction I figured today would be a good day to have one. So let's have a laugh, shall we?

"infertile women and their grudge on pregnant women"  If you have to Google this then it tells me that you're probably the pregnant woman who was a bit insensitive to your infertile friend who probably didn't react "appropriately" (or what you think it appropriate) to your joyous pregnancy.  Not all women cry with joy when hearing a pregnancy announcement.  It is what it is.

"constipation after IVF egg retrieval"  You won't believe how many people find my blog by Googling IVF, enema, constipation, or things along those lines.  Yes, IVF will make you constipated.  No, mag citrate and stool softeners didn't work for me.  Yes, I sought relief with an enema, and if you're Googling this stuff then you probably will too.  Maybe you'll even blog about it like I did.  Who knows.

"infertile and miserable" and "6 years of infertility is miserable" I have yet to have someone Google "infertile and happy" so it's safe to say that pretty much every woman that's infertile is also just a teensy bit miserable too.

"how do you pronounce ballynahinch"  I've been getting quite a few Googles on this.  Ballynahinch was the castle we stayed at in Ireland and it's pronounced just as it's spelled, only you sort of say it fast and run all the syllables together.  Bally-NA-hinch.  Now faster.  No, faster than that.  Okay you've got it.

"blew my nose hard after egg transfer"  And this is Google-worthy because....?

"conjunction junction what's your function taking in sperm and spitting out babies"  Ahh, this search brings back wonderful memories of a 2010 post about School House Rock and Brandon's humorously incorrect version of the Conjunction Junction lesson.  

"estrace pill up the hoo ha"  Why yes, that's where the pill goes.  Up your hoo ha.  Good for you for figuring that out...and Googling it too.

"i took an hcg shot an ive been dr.inking sm.oking we.ed an doing powd.er will tha affect my chances of getting pregnant"  I put those period marks in the sentence so people wouldn't actually find my blog by searching this but it's a little appalling that women are TRYING to get pregnant while doing this crap.  Just boggles my mind.

"if i was in harry potter i would engorgio my boobs"  And my life is fuller (no pun intended) knowing that you would do that.  

"maid mixing urine in food of the family she works for espanol"  WTF?!?!  Did this actually happen??  And how did my blog show up in the Google search results?  Interesting.  

"where the fuck is my adoption tax credit"  Honey, I don't know where your adoption tax credit is but I'm pretty sure Google isn't going to find it for you. 

"wtf i'm lactating"  WTF indeed. 

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