Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Still Here. Still Waiting

Last week we were told it could be "any day now".  But there's no baby yet.  I'm starting to get the feeling that doctors just say that to send you into a tailspin and panic about all the stuff that hasn't been completed around the house.

I'm trying not to worry.  I'm trying not to be impatient when I don't hear anything.  But it's really really hard.


  1. Hurry up baby!! We all want to meet you but not as much as your Mom and Dad!!

  2. That seems to be the way it always go. They tell you any day and then you wait forever or they tell you nope-nothing is happening yet and the next day or so you find yourself at the doctor. Hang in there.

  3. Of course it's hard!! Really difficult not to feel anxious! I can't wait to hear the news!!

  4. Fingers crossed that baby comes soon, healthy and happy into your world!

  5. Hi Christa, I found your blog on google. I'm now subscribed as I am a military wife who is TTC also. Sending you a lot of baby dust! <3
