And got iPhones. Brandon has been wanting one for MONTHS and we had been planning on getting rid of our Blackberries and getting iPhones a few weeks ago when we got The Call. Though we worried about money I knew that we still needed new phones and Brandon was really looking forward to getting an iPhone so we decided to go that weekend and get them anyway.
But they were sold out!
Oh, darn. Looks like we'll just have to put that purchase off for another day, I said. Weeks went by and I convinced Brandon to come shopping with my on Black Friday with theempty promise that he could get his iPhone then. Really I just thought they'd still be sold out and he'd have to keep waiting. Unfortunately I was wrong and it turned out that they had plenty in stock. Brandon was completely ecstatic but to me it was just another phone. I opted to get the older model, the 4S, while Brandon of course got the newer one. Our cell phone contracts had long since expired so it was fairly cheap to buy new phones.
He hasn't stopped playing with the damn thing ever since.
Meanwhile I still miss my Blackberry keyboard.

But they were sold out!
Oh, darn. Looks like we'll just have to put that purchase off for another day, I said. Weeks went by and I convinced Brandon to come shopping with my on Black Friday with the
He hasn't stopped playing with the damn thing ever since.
Meanwhile I still miss my Blackberry keyboard.
I'm an iWidow too. All I see of my husband is the top of his head! Welcome to the club!