We met the birthmom and her mother today. I couldn't have imagined a more perfect meeting. It was like talking with an old friend. We went on and on about random topics for an hour and a half. Every 15 minutes or so, when the social workers could get a word in edgewise, they would bring us back to the real topics that needed to be discussed such as birth plans and legal issues. But in the end we'd always skirt off topic and start talking about something else so eventually they just gave up trying :) But it was such a natural conversation to have with them and something that I'll cherish forever.
Many curious friends and family members have asked us what the birthmom's "situation" is. Brandon and I decided long ago that this isn't something we will share at all. After all, it's not our story to tell, it's our daughter's and we don't want her hearing about it for the first time from anybody but the two of us. When she's old enough to hear it, we'll tell her everything she wants to know and at that point she can decide who to share that information with. We just don't feel right doing it any other way.
But there are a few things I will share, like why she picked us. After we had been talking for about an hour I asked what it was about us and our profile that she liked. She mentioned that she liked Brandon's connection to Utah (many of her family members live there too) and the fact that our profile was short and sweet. But she also said she picked us because I was a Harry Potter fan.
So there you have it. Harry Potter brought us together. It was a match made in Hogwarts :)

Many curious friends and family members have asked us what the birthmom's "situation" is. Brandon and I decided long ago that this isn't something we will share at all. After all, it's not our story to tell, it's our daughter's and we don't want her hearing about it for the first time from anybody but the two of us. When she's old enough to hear it, we'll tell her everything she wants to know and at that point she can decide who to share that information with. We just don't feel right doing it any other way.
But there are a few things I will share, like why she picked us. After we had been talking for about an hour I asked what it was about us and our profile that she liked. She mentioned that she liked Brandon's connection to Utah (many of her family members live there too) and the fact that our profile was short and sweet. But she also said she picked us because I was a Harry Potter fan.
So there you have it. Harry Potter brought us together. It was a match made in Hogwarts :)