Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Taking a big step backward

I know I haven't posted anything on the fertility front in a while but I have decided to cancel this upcoming IUI treatment. I've been pretty depressed and lonely since Brandon left on his deployment and also angry at him for leaving me here. I thought the fertility treatments would give me something to look forward to but the Clomid was particularly brutal to me this month. My mood swings were off the charts and I really started to doubt my desires for a family and even for my marriage. Obviously I told Brandon how I felt and that has caused some tension, especially since there's nothing he can do when he is halfway across the world. So we are going to take a break from fertility treatments for a while and see where things go in our marriage. It was a hard decision but I'm starting to feel a little better now that the pressure is off my shoulders to get pregnant.


  1. So sorry to hear that! I couldn't imagine dealing with my Clomid Crazies with Travis deployed... I wish you the best of luck in taking the time you need to focus on you and also your marriage!

  2. i found your blog today. i am so sorry for your hard times :( i too am going through IUI & had to cancel this month. i have PCOS so hopefully it will give me extra days to shed a few. anyways, follow my blog. im glad i ran into your blog. its such a comfort to have a support group.

  3. You've got to do what you feel is right and if your heart is telling you to take a step back and reevaluate, that can't be a bad thing. Prayers for you and your marriage as you work through things. Infertility can certainly wreak havoc on a relationship. (((HUGS)))
