Thursday, September 17, 2009

How Fickle is Woman

Over the weekend I had come to accept my decision to pass on this cycle and collect my wits. However Monday afternoon changed all of that. I had gone to the bathroom to discover the egg-white cervical mucus (EWCM) that precedes ovulation. I hardly ever get it but when I saw it I started crying. I knew that I didn't want to waste a perfectly good cycle so I immediately called up the nurse at Madigan. She was kind enough to squeeze me in for a follicle scan the next day. And there it follicle on my left ovary at 16mm. I knew it would be there, I even knew it would be on the left ovary. The doctor was unsure whether I had already ovulated or not so they completed some bloodwork. My progesterone and estrogen levels indicated that I had not yet ovulated, so we could still salvage this cycle. I was relieved. I have an ultrasound tomorrow and I will be taking an OPK today just to make sure I don't ovulate early. So if all goes well then I may be having an IUI over the weekend. Brandon is excited as well but they deployment is still taking its toll on us. It's hard to have such little communication. If this cycle does not work though, I will NOT start a new cycle until he returns. Clomid and deployments just don't mix!

1 comment:

  1. How did your testing turn out? Was this cycle salvageable? i had to waste this month. i was heartbroken &i had NEVER had the perfect EWCM like I did this month. NEVER. i know i let this month slip away, but it wasn't my fault. I pray that yours was able to be turned around :) let me know! ~hugs
