Friday, August 3, 2012

Well I'll be Durned

Remember that time I got a freak period, the first one I've had in 2+ years?  And remember how, exactly 28 days later, I got another one?  Well this month I was a little curious to see if it would happen a third time.  You know, third time's the charm and all that.  Well 28 days came and went with no sign of a period.  I took a pregnancy test cause, you know, infertile women still keep those in their bathroom drawers even when they're not TTC.  Anyway, it was negative, just as I suspected.

And now today I'm spotting.  Granted, it's a full two weeks late but still.  3 periods in a row!  Kinda makes me second guess myself and whether we should go back to fertility treatments or not.  If we did, would it actually work this time?  Was something wrong with my body during all our prior treatments and somehow it's righted itself again and now it's ready to work? 

I really don't know what to make of this situation.  Maybe I should call Nurse D again.


  1. It never hurts to get more info! :) I'm excited for you, girl!

  2. I hope you figure it out... but I wanted to tell you that I LOL literally when you said "you know, infertile women still keep those in their bathroom drawers even when they're not TTC..." MAN! I mentioned to my DH the other day something about the 50 pg tests I have in my bathroom drawer... he laughed and said, "and I am sure you will use them all..."

    It doesn't hurt to have more info. I will be praying for you!

  3. I agree with Jenna! You may be on a good roll and you should make the best of it!
