Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Shutting Down?

Over the past few months I've started becoming concerned about privacy, particularly my own and how it affects other aspects of my life (like work). I don't know what triggered it. Maybe it was the Layoff, maybe it's the fact that I really don't have much to write about anymore.  Or maybe it's the fact that when I google my name or email address there's just way too many pages listed.  And it creeps me out.  But lately I've started deleting old FB posts, reviewing my privacy settings on all my social networking accounts, and trimming down my friend lists. But I'm not quite sure what to do about this space.

This blog is by far the most public space I own. I'm on it frequently and while I don't always comment on others' posts, I do read a lot of blogs. I would hate to shut this space down. I've thought about making it private or simply just going through the past 500 posts and deleting ones I don't want to make public anymore (or just turn them into a draft so I can still have them to read through).

To be honest, I don't really go back and read old posts anymore. I don't reminisce about our short pregnancy or look at pictures posted. There aren't really many posts on here that I can look back with fondness. This space is chock full of heartache and I really don't care to relive any of that. So I mostly keep this space open for readers Googling for advice and first-hand accounts of IVF cycles like I myself did on many occasions.

So right now I'm really struggling with what to do. I'd appreciate any input and whether anyone else has gone through this issue and what you chose to do about it.


  1. Is there anyway for you to change it to an anonymous type blog. If your going to go back thru the 500 posts anyways maybe just edit them to not be linked to your name? I really have no idea what I'm talking about! LOL Anyone who has found your blog in the past would still know but you would not be "googleable" is that even a word??

  2. Could you strip out the more obvious contact details and leave the blog like that? I had a similar dilemma with my old blog, I ended up going private and then abandoning it.

  3. I would think that you may one day want to read back. Perhaps not now, but who knows in the future? You can always make the blog private and remove direct names and emails etc. I'll be sorry not to read your updates anymore! Fran

  4. On your settings under basic change your privacy to where it says "not listed on blogger. Not visible to search engines". I had to change mine to private due to our adoption.

  5. I don't think you are over reacting. I specifically started my blog w out my name though i know it's written at least once. I don't mention the state I live in but again my state rep is listed once.... So if you are really creepy you could prob figure out the state I live in and prob guess the city. One thing I did was add a tool that allows people to email me without knowing my email address. I think if you stripped your blog of pictures/email address it would be somewhat anonymous.
