Today is the one-month mark of being active with our agency. No news except that we've been shown the average amount of times, which is 15-20. This is actually the standard response that almost everyone gets so it doesn't make me feel that great. And those 15-20 birthmoms aren't all interested in adoption. Some are just calling to get some general information while they make their decision. Also, as you may have read on the private blog, the average cost and wait times increased since we went active. Major bummer, but what can you do except wait.
And wait we will. But during that wait I think I'm going to plan another vacation. Actually, let me rephrase that: I think I'm going to plan
our first vacation. Because to be honest, we've never been on a real vacation, I refer to our past trips as adventures. They were packed with crazy activities so that by the time we came home we were exhausted and actually ready to leave our adventure. But this will be an actual vacation where we do nothing but sit by the pool and drink rum and coke. And what better place to do that than in Mexico. We've been to Cancun before but like I said, I crammed our days full of stuff to do. This time won't be like that and we only plan to go for 4 nights, our shortest trip yet. We're on a budget after all and now I definitely can't quit my job if we're planning a vacation. I'm thinking about going somewhere in the Riviera Maya/Cancun/Playa del Carmen area and sometime in late February or early March, before all the spring-breakers arrive and before school lets out. And this time we'd like to try an all-inclusive resort because we'll be spending all of our time at the hotel eating, drinking and swimming. If anyone has any suggestions for resorts please let me know!
Buuuuut, if we plan on going somewhere that requires me to wear a bathing suit, I'm going to have to get really serious about this weight loss. This past Sunday was my third weigh-in and I'm down 2.8 lbs. Not bad. It could be all water weight but I don't care. It was probably the water weight that made me look all bloated anyway! I had fully intended on starting the Couch to 5K this week but on Sunday the podcast didn't sync with my iPod so I was stuck doing a normal workout and today I left my iPod at work so it's going to double suck having to do a workout with no music. I love just zoning out while I work out, it keeps me working out longer. Oh well. So next I PROMISE I will start the Couch to 5K :) My weight loss goal before going to Mexico is 16 pounds. I'll still be 10 pounds fatter than my last trip to Cancun but I have to be realistic. I have less than 3 months to lose all that weight and 26 pounds is just too much to try and lose.
Monday we got our baby furniture delivered. It was just a tad bit darker than we expected. Check out what we ordered versus what we got.

I don't hate the color, it's just not what we were expecting. Even the delivery guy said we didn't get the furniture we ordered when I showed him what they had on the website. But the name was correct on the box so apparently we did. If it was a quality issue I'd definitely return it but since it's just the color, I think I can live with that. I'll post more pictures when the nursery is actually complete.
Well that's about it for now. Oh, if you'd like an invite to my private blog, please send me your email address, either through email or a comment. I have to have it in order to add you as an authorized reader.