Monday, November 2, 2009

I was right!!!

Of course, aren't I always right? At least when it comes to my body. Aunt Flow showed up Saturday morning, just like I expected. So I did ovulate after all. I wonder what I did differently to make that happen. Was it the wheatgrass, acupuncture, weight loss? Guess I'll never know. Over the weekend I thought about trying for one last IUI before our IVF cycle in January, even though I think Clomid is the drug of the devil and gives me mood swings from hell. Brandon should be home just in time for my ovulation, but it's cutting it very close. If he misses the window then there's no frozen sperm to use so I'd be screwed (actually I wouldn't, which would be the problem!). But I think it's a chance worth taking if it can save us from having to do IVF. I called the nurse at Madigan and left them a message so I hope they will agree to prescribe me the Clomid. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!


  1. Good Luck!!! Hope that the "Clomid Crazies" are worth it this time! My husband would KILL to be gone for those, and just have to be home in time for his part of the equation. HAHA!

  2. I read your wish from the list and wanted to send you as much luck your way as I can! We are holding off this cycle for my laparoscopy... so I can spare all my positive cycle vibes from this cycle too :). Here's to hoping your cycle will coincide with Brandon's return. I will be thinking of you!
