Ever since our trip to Disney World it has become apparent that C is a Daddy's Girl. Very much a Daddy's girl. And while part of me knows that it's good for her to have a special bond with her father I also can't help but feel a teensy bit jealous. Especially because I'm the one spending all day with her, making her food from scratch, keeping her safe from everything she tries to get into, but then Brandon comes home and scoops her up and she literally gives me the Stink Eye while sitting in his lap. As if to say "NOW I get to go play with the nail clippers and open the trash can and push the buttons on the TV and there's nothing you can do about it!" When I change her diaper or try to put her down for a nap, she doesn't say "no!" like some kids do. She says "Daddy". I hope that eventually I'll get over it and that one day C and I can have a special bond like she does with Brandon but this week I'm just feeling a little down about it.
Vent over.
So C's birthday party is coming up this weekend and I gave her a huge dollop of Cool Whip to practice with. Cause, you know, if she doesn't like playing with food then her smash cake will be pretty anti-climactic. What resulted was the funniest picture we have taken of C to date. Or should I say, Colonel Sanders :)

Vent over.
So C's birthday party is coming up this weekend and I gave her a huge dollop of Cool Whip to practice with. Cause, you know, if she doesn't like playing with food then her smash cake will be pretty anti-climactic. What resulted was the funniest picture we have taken of C to date. Or should I say, Colonel Sanders :)