Thursday, July 25, 2013

C Has a Lovey and I Have a Dilemma

It seems that C has finally become attached to something, besides us of course.  She has a little white security blanket that we purchased LONG before we were matched.  So anyway, this little blanket stays in her crib and she enjoys chewing on it, covering her face with it and just generally abusing the thing.  I remember so many moms telling me that it's wise to buy a duplicate when a child gets attached to a lovey, just in case the first one falls to pieces or, God forbid, goes missing. 

The problem is that I just discovered that C's lovey has been discontinued with none available on ebay at the moment.

I'm left wondering what to do.  Should I just leave it be and hope for the best for C's little blankie to make it through her childhood?  I still have my lovey from when I was a kid and it's literally in shreds.  Or should I try to find another lovey for her that I can buy two of and secretly make the swap?  This brand does have a pink lovey that says "Thank Heaven for Little Girls" so it's possible for me to get a couple on ebay that look very similar to her original one. I would love to hear your suggestions!

Below is a picture of the lovey mentioned.


  1. I bought me, they don't work. You lose it and hand her a replacement, she'll throw it away. It doesn't smell the same, taste the same, feel the same...just try not to lose it...that's all I can say.

  2. Our son loves those bears too! I will say we were lucky enough he is ok having different ones he just loves the silk on the blanket. Maybe trying rotating a new one in and see how she does.

  3. I bet you could still totally make the swap! But for whatever it is worth, I have failed at getting the replacement lovey myself. I kind of figured like Ericka said, that even if it looked the same - it wouldn't BE the same.

  4. My girls have knit blankets that they are attached to. We have 8 (so I can wash them and switch them out) and they seem to do just fine with whichever one they have.... as long its the same type of blanket.

  5. I would take my chances, and set up an search on ebay to get notified if a replacement becomes available...

  6. I would keep checking Ebay for an exact replacement rather than trying the pink one. Just not the same!

  7. we have 3 of Levi's loveies and each week I wash one so they never get too nasty. He usually has at least 2 of them in his crib so he can find one easily in the middle of the night. I think the one you have the pic of looks very similar to a lot of the ones on the market, if you can find one that feels the same and introduce it with the other one she may take to it. If you never take it anywhere with you it would be worth the risk but we take our lovie in the car if he will be there for naps, as well as taking at least one, usually 2 on trips. I think Levi would really struggle without it so I am hoping the three we have will get us through until he is big enough to be weaned from it!
