I've got a new article published, How I Save on My Utility Bills During the Summer. As you can tell, I'm a little addicted to saving money. I wouldn't call myself cheap or a tightwad but when you're on one income you really need to stretch those dollars. And I'll admit that I'm a little panicky about Brandon getting out of the military next year and having to find a job while he goes to school full-time. Does health insurance REALLY cost $500+ a month for a family?!
C started crawling. She did it for the first time on Saturday. It was the day after my birthday and I had gone out with my friend for lunch when she decided to crawl for the first time. I'm home with her ALL DAY long and she waits till I leave to crawl? Stinker. At least Brandon witnessed it, though he didn't think to record it for me. Nevertheless I got some video evidence later that night. Ever since then she has been on the go. She's much faster now, even though it's only been a few days since she started. I didn't realize she could perfect her crawling so quickly. Time to baby-proof.
And the enormously shitty thing? My dad was diagnosed with lung cancer last week. They found a tumor the size of his fist in the upper lobe of his lung. He started chemo on Monday and C and I are going to Pennsylvania to visit him next week. He seems a little nonchalant about the whole thing. I'm a little skeptical that maybe he's just downplaying the seriousness of the situation for the sake of me and my sister. We'll just have to see how well the chemo and radiation works and hopefully they will be able to shrink the tumor enough to do surgery and remove it. Please keep our family in your thoughts and prayers.

C started crawling. She did it for the first time on Saturday. It was the day after my birthday and I had gone out with my friend for lunch when she decided to crawl for the first time. I'm home with her ALL DAY long and she waits till I leave to crawl? Stinker. At least Brandon witnessed it, though he didn't think to record it for me. Nevertheless I got some video evidence later that night. Ever since then she has been on the go. She's much faster now, even though it's only been a few days since she started. I didn't realize she could perfect her crawling so quickly. Time to baby-proof.
Oh, and last night she learned how to blow raspberries.
And the enormously shitty thing? My dad was diagnosed with lung cancer last week. They found a tumor the size of his fist in the upper lobe of his lung. He started chemo on Monday and C and I are going to Pennsylvania to visit him next week. He seems a little nonchalant about the whole thing. I'm a little skeptical that maybe he's just downplaying the seriousness of the situation for the sake of me and my sister. We'll just have to see how well the chemo and radiation works and hopefully they will be able to shrink the tumor enough to do surgery and remove it. Please keep our family in your thoughts and prayers.