Saturday, September 29, 2012

Saying Goodbye

Well, guys, this is it. It's time to say goodbye to Fearlessly Infertile. I've been debating what to do with this space now that we're no longer pursuing parenthood and honestly I can't think of any reason to keep it around. Most of the blogs I follow have moved on to parenthood and I don't really stay up-to-date in the world of infertility or adoption.  So in a few days (maybe even weeks) I'll be shutting down this blog forever.

I'm not sure if we'll continue down the path to parenthood again.  Last week I had a tarot reading (yes I do believe in those things) and my cards showed that we would be parents, most likely through adoption or surrogacy (my child card was sitting next to a queen card, therefore it appeared my child would be coming to us through another woman.  That was our interpretation anyway).  But until then Brandon and I are going to focus on us.  We're going to travel, I'm going to focus on my career and Brandon's going to finish his degree.  Then we'll see whether we feel our lives are still missing something or whether we feel whole.

But I don't want to give up writing completely so I've started a new blog.  A travel blog.  A blog where I can write about our adventures and sometimes just our everyday lives.  I'm not going to link the blog website back to this one because I really want to start over, start fresh.  I did take one piece of this blog, though, and carried it over to the new one: the theme. It's not a private blog so some of you may even stumble across it one day and realize it's me.  If anyone is interested in keeping in touch, my email is

It has been wonderful getting to know each and every one of you.  No matter where you are on this journey, I wish you all the very best and I hope that you're able to find happiness in your life, even if that happiness comes from a place you weren't originally seeking.     


  1. Is there any way you will consider letting those of us who have followed you for years follow your new blog? I know I'll miss you, for sure, especially because we were cycling in NC at the same time. I would love to read your new blog and promise not to talk about kids on it... Traveling is a huge passion of mine and I've been to many of the places on the list you posted (grew up overseas in Africa, backpacked through Europe, lived in Afghanistan, etc). We haven't been able to travel much at all with infertility treatments and adoption eating up all of our extra money, but now that my parents live in Asia, we hope to go visit them more regularly.

  2. Wishing you all the best. Good things await for you, I just know it. Take good care.

  3. I'm sorry to see you go, but I understand wanting to move on. (((HUGS))) from a longtime reader.

  4. Thank you for sharing your blog with us. You may never know how much strength, hope and excitement I have gained while following your journey. It is easy to get lost in despair. Fearlessly Infertile help me define the type of infertile lady I wanted to be. It helped me not become bitter, depressed and loose myself or my dreams along the way. Thank You-

  5. I have been a quiet follower, but check in on you often (our TTC journeys began at much the same time). I feel like I have felt every heart break, every struggle, and every emotion along with you. I am sorry to see you go, but wish you all of the luck in the world. May your travels lead you far, but your dreams lead you even further.
