It's been a while since I've written in this space. A LONG while. I've missed writing here, connecting with other women in the ALI community. After I shuttered Fearlessly Infertile I still continued to follow along with a few blogs but it wasn't the same. And after 2 years of being gone I'm not really the same either.
Over the past 2 years we've thoroughly enjoyed being parents, forming a close bond with our daughter's birth family in an open adoption and visiting with them a few times a year. It's been an emotional journey but oh so worth it. C can recognize her birthmom's picture and even asks to see her, though we haven't had the "adoption talk" yet. No real opportunity to talk about babies in tummies, no attention span long enough to go through the plethora of adoption books we have in her room. So for now we'll continue to let them form their own bond and explain the importance of it a little later down the road.
I've continued writing through another outlet, a travel blog I started called Travel Fearlessly. So in a way I've been carrying this blog around with me, using its theme to inspire my travel writing.
I'm not sure how many of you guys are still around but if you are I'd love to hear from you. Perhaps in the future I'll come back here to write about our experiences in open adoption. I've missed you all so very much!

Over the past 2 years we've thoroughly enjoyed being parents, forming a close bond with our daughter's birth family in an open adoption and visiting with them a few times a year. It's been an emotional journey but oh so worth it. C can recognize her birthmom's picture and even asks to see her, though we haven't had the "adoption talk" yet. No real opportunity to talk about babies in tummies, no attention span long enough to go through the plethora of adoption books we have in her room. So for now we'll continue to let them form their own bond and explain the importance of it a little later down the road.
I've continued writing through another outlet, a travel blog I started called Travel Fearlessly. So in a way I've been carrying this blog around with me, using its theme to inspire my travel writing.
I'm not sure how many of you guys are still around but if you are I'd love to hear from you. Perhaps in the future I'll come back here to write about our experiences in open adoption. I've missed you all so very much!